Upon first arrival, a CFR Office Staff will review the Etiquette & Rules with you and have you sign a copy for our records. For your convenience, the full list of Etiquette & Rules are listed below.
- SIGN IN REQUIRED - Visitors must sign in and pay grounds fees upon arrival. Camp wide speed limit is 10 MPH
- BODY JEWELRY - Piercing and body jewelry below the navel is not encouraged. If you insist on wearing it, please be considerate of children that may be around. This does not apply to items such as navel jewelry, anklets, or toe rings.
- NO PUBLIC SEXUAL BEHAVIOR - Inappropriate sexual advances, sexual acts, or sexually explicit language will not be tolerated on CFR grounds where you can be seen or heard by the public. All property owned by Carolina Foothills Resort will be considered a common area with the exception of rental property, cabins, and permanent sites.
- NO MISBEHAVIOR OF ANY KIND FOR ANY REASON - Violators may be asked to leave and lose the privilege of future visits and or membership. NO INTOXICATION QUIET TIME: From 12:00am until 8:00 am will be considered quiet time. If you want to stay up and party and have a good time, please feel free to do so however any loud music or voices that disturbs others trying to sleep can’t be tolerated.
- NO INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE - Visitors and members must refrain from using profane language.
- NO ‘BARE BUNS’ ON SEATS - Nudity is required in the pool and hot tub (except for some situation such as women’s issues, etc.) For sanitary reasons, never sit on another’s towel or bare seat. First time visitors are granted an adjustment period at the discretion of Management and or staff.
- NO PHOTOGRAPHY ANYWHERE ON PREMISES - Photography is prohibited on CFR grounds, except for by Club Photographers, Club Security Team members or members of the current Board of Directors. This is in order to protect the privacy of our members and guests. Any person that violates this runs the risk of having their device confiscated, being removed from CFR, receiving a "Do Not Admit" notification and no refund of any fees paid.
- NO ONE UNDER 21 YEARS OF AGE WITHOUT DIRECT SUPERVISION - Guardians are responsible for Minor’s behavior
- ADULTS ONLY - Common areas such as fire pit, Pool area and Clubhouse are 21 and over after 9pm. All Minor’s should be with a parent or Guardian at their tent, camper or cabin unless otherwise specified.
- POOL/HOT TUB - South Carolina DHEC Regulations DO NOT ALLOW Glass or Pets in these areas. Nudity is required (unless Medical or Female situations) in the hot tub or pool. Shower with soap before entering the pool or hot tub. The use of bubbles in the hot tub is not permitted.
- SMOKING AND/OR VAPING IS RESTRICTED - NOT ALLOWED in Club House, Office, in or within 4’ of Pool or Hot Tub or any of our Rental Units. When smoking in Common areas (where allowed), care must be taken to dispose of the butts in proper containers. DO NOT TOSS THEM ON THE GROUND, TOILETS, OR OTHER AREAS NOT DESIGNATED FOR DISPOSAL. Please remember to be courteous to non-smoking/non-vaping friends.
- PETS NOT ALLOWED IN CLUBHOUSE OR ANY RENTAL UNITS - Pets are not allowed in any of Carolina Foothills Resort rental cabins or club RV and should be kept at your campsite if brought for overnight stays. All pet droppings are the responsibility of the pet owner and Pet Fines will be charged if in violation.
Effective 12/5/2024; Replaces 9/15/2024